
Our restaurant

Discover our restaurant

The Golf des Étoiles restaurant at Nançay in Sologne

The restaurant at Golf des Étoiles NANCAY SOLOGNE allows you to share a meal in the heart of the countryside. With our family-friendly menus, the restaurant offers golfers and visitors a memorable experience. The relaxed atmosphere and panoramic views make it the ideal place to enjoy a delicious meal.
Our formulas

Formula 1

By reservation 48 hours in advance
Comfort food with chips: steak, croque monsieur, fish and chips, etc...

Formula 2

By reservation 1 week in advance
Convivial dishes to share: paëlla, rib of beef, poularde au vin jaune ...
"There are places where it's so good to stay that you want to rush there. Détente des Étoiles is one of them."